Carriers and actors of the project

Photo des createurs de

Current Carriers:
The three creators of the platform : Dorian Wansek, Adrien Lefebvre, and Baptiste Frelot.
Their partner association Lakaa that helps companies accelerate their CSR transformation.
Anyone who organizes or participates to a clean walk is ultimately a carrier of the project
Potential Carriers:
Ecologists, NGOs, anyone who is sensitive to environmental issues.

Research question

How artificial intelligence can help such projects to be more effective ?

The reason why I have selected this project

I chose this project because it is the one that seems to me the most relevant. Indeed, it is based on the principle of a simple action - going for a walk and picking up the waste on your way - with a significant impact. In addition, it is accessible to all, and thus allows everyone to act on their own scale: the gesture which, individually, has a limited effect, becomes impactful collectively. In addition to preserving nature and raising everyone's ecological awareness, the clean walk also helps restore social ties in society.

User scenario


Main users: City-dweller, country person
Potential users: ecologists, NGOs, schools, universities


First name : Louis.
Age: 20 years old.
Activity / Profession : Student at EDHEC business school.
Place of residence, country, environment (city, countryside, etc.): Lille but comes from Paris.
Family status: Single, he is still a student.
Income: His parents give him money to live but he like to earn some on his own (around 100-200€ per month).
List of hobbies and passions : Art, sport (tennis and handball), reading.
List of needs, desires dreams: a way of living more respectful of the environment.
List of problems and frustrations: inegalities, unrespectful attitude of people, political disinterestedness.
Major issue related to the subject: amount of waste generation and garbage in the streets and in the nature.

Key features

Reduction of the amount of garbage in the street and in the nature.
Raising of people's environmental awareness.
Restoration of the social link.

UX storyboard

Photo BD

Technical analysis

General principle

A website where everyone can either find a clean walk or organise one.

Technical overview - AI version

My chosen project works without artificial intelligence. Indeed, although it has developed on the Internet and could never have had as much impact without it, it can still be improved. If a help bot was built into the website to respond to people, it would make the system more efficient.
Indeed, at the slightest question, the user of the platform must send an email to the company. The response time thus varies between 20 minutes and a day knowing that the employees do not work on Sundays. If a help bot was present on the page, then any question would be answered within a second. This would allow the project to have more impact and thus be more effective.
In addition, if artificial intelligence was also used to target people potentially interested in this kind of project, it would make communication about cleans walks more effective.

Added value thank to artifical intelligence

Artificial intelligence is not essential to this project, but would make it more effective and visible.
And this kind of project becomes really useful as soon as it affects a large number of people so AI would really add value to it.